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Haringey Council Calls for National Gambling Advertisement Ban

Haringey Council has become the first local authority in the UK to join the Coalition to End Gambling Ads (CEGA).

Road sign of Haringey, London. Haringey Council joins CEGA to combat gambling advert harm.
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The move is part of its efforts to push the government for stricter regulations regarding gambling advertising, which the council argues has a damaging effect on individuals and families.

Council data estimates that around 8,000 people in Haringey are struggling with gambling-related issues, while an additional 25,000 in the form of friends and family members are impacted by these problems.

The financial burden on the borough is also significant, with approximately £8 million lost each year as a result of problem gambling. These costs come from issues such as homelessness, increased demand for social services, NHS expenses, and unpaid rent.

By joining CEGA, Haringey is strengthening its commitment to reducing gambling-related harm. The council has already limited gambling advertisements on its own platforms and is now calling for nationwide action. Local leaders hope that other councils across the UK will follow suit and help push for broader policy changes.

Council Leaders Emphasize the Need for Action

In a statement from the Council, Councilor Lucia das Neves, Haringey’s Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care & Wellbeing, reaffirmed the council’s dedication to protecting its residents. She spoke of her deep concern about the widespread presence of gambling ads and their harmful impact on the community.

Similarly, Councilor Ajda Ovat, Cabinet Member for Communities, said that Haringey’s proactive stance demonstrates its commitment to public safety.

The steps we have already taken to limit gambling advertising on our own outlets reflect our dedication to this cause. We want to protect our communities and the impact that gambling can have on so many people, not just in Haringey but across the country. We recognise the need for further collaboration to address gambling harm on a larger scale and hope many other councils will follow in our footsteps and bring about much-needed change.

Councillor Ajda OvatCabinet Member for Communities

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CEGA Commends Haringey’s Leadership

Will Prochaska, CEO of CEGA, praised Haringey for taking a stand, calling the council’s move an important step towards ending gambling advertisements nationwide. He said that while local authorities lack the power to regulate the gambling industry directly, they have a strong national voice that can influence policy and he urged other councils to follow Haringey’s example and push for broader legislative change.

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Haringey Council has already created several community programs to support those affected by gambling harm. These include early intervention initiatives in schools, debt counseling services, and targeted support for at-risk individuals. Additionally, the council runs the Haringey Gambling Harms Reduction Network, which brings together residents, community organizations, and experts to discuss effective strategies for tackling the issue.

RELATED TOPICS: Responsible Gambling

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