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GGPoker’s Road to London Gets Underway Next Month

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GGPoker, the world’s largest online poker room, has announced that it will be running several online poker tournaments in order to give players the chance to win seats at live poker events in London.

Known as the Road to London, the series of satellite tournaments will give players the chance to win seats at two major live poker tournaments, the £3,300 WSOP Super Circuit Series London Main Event and the £21,200 Triton Super High Roller GGMillion$ Live.

Talking about the new series, Angela Martin, GGPoker’s head of marketing, said that the Road to London would be “an unrivaled opportunity to participate in world-class tournaments and compete alongside the poker elite.” She added that they are sure that members of GGPoker will “relish the chance to win their way into these incredible live events at a fraction of the cost, making poker dreams come true.”

The Road to London series is set to reward at least 200 players with places at the WSOP Super Circuit London Main Event. Those who earn their seats through satellites will be able to take part in either an OnLive Day 1 tournament, taking place at GGPoker, or in one of three live Day 1s in London. The first OnLive Day 1 tournament will be taking place on July 2 and the step qualifiers have already begun.

The £3,300 WSOP Super Circuit Series London Main Event, which begins on August 8, will have a guaranteed prize pool of £3 million, and it has been confirmed that GGPoker partner Brian ‘True Geordie’ Davis will be taking part.

Before that, on July 27, the £21,200 Triton Super High Roller GGMillion$ Live will see some of the most famous gamblers in the world come together to compete. Both events will be taking place at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House in London and they promise to be a highlight of the poker calendar.

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