Gambling White Paper to be Postponed to May

Plans to introduce stricter gambling laws in the United Kingdom look to be delayed again after the minister leading the proposal was changed in a reshuffle.

In December 2020, due to the rising concerns that gambling adverts were causing addiction and gambling-related issues, ministers decided to rise to the occasion by introducing proposals that could ban gambling firms from sponsoring football team shirts and limits on how much players can lose at online casinos.

However, with the reshuffle of the cabinet and the possibility of Boris Johnson being forced to quit office, the White paper will not appear until May. It may even extend beyond that if the latter happens. However, according to the Whitehall sources, drafts of the paper had already been submitted, but more work was needed.

Carolyn Harris - Labour MP

Every day of delay leads to further gambling-related harm while the industry rakes in profits. The Government must not let its own internal problems stand in the way of much-needed reforms.

Carolyn HarrisLabour MP

However, Liz Ritchie, co-founder of the charity Gambling with Lives, stated her displeasure with the postponement of the gambling proposals. According to her, people take their lives every day in the United Kingdom due to gambling reasons, and May is too far for the white paper to get looked into by the house.

Liz Ritchie - Co-Founder of Gambling with Lives

How many more families need to be shattered by highly addictive gambling products and predatory gambling industry practices before the Government acts?

Liz RitchieCo-Founder of Gambling with Lives

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