EGBA Reveals 75% of Customers Use Safer Gambling Tools

The first Sustainability Report from the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has shown that in 2020, its members’ customers were making greater use of safer gambling tools.

According to the report, last year, three-quarters of customers were using at least one safer gambling tool, up from 61% in 2019. The tools used included deposit limits (22% of customers), time checks (5% of customers), self-exclusions (5% of customers), and product blocks (1% of customers).

In addition to these tools, 2.8 million personalized messages were sent to customers about their gambling habits to promote responsible gambling. This was a huge increase of 133% from the 1.2 million messages in 2019.

Furthermore, there were 14.2 million generic communications about safer gambling, and the members made voluntary contributions of €408 million to European sports through sponsorships and streaming rights, up 20% from 2019. In addition, 32,479 employees underwent safer gambling training in 2020.

Maarten Haijer EGBA Secretary-General

EGBA and its members are committed to lead from the front on safer gambling, and our yearly sustainability report is part of our commitment to be accountable and transparent about our activities, track our progress, and support our overall efforts to put safer gambling at the heart of what we do. The personal commitment of the CEOs to achieve these objectives is vital and welcomed.

Maarten HaijerEGBA Secretary-General

Haijer added that the report is encouraging as it shows members are putting their commitments into action with greater use of safer gambling tools and messaging. Furthermore, the CEOs of member companies have committed to increasing their efforts and stated that they hope to see an even greater proportion of customers making use of safer gambling tools in the future.

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